gameplay:egg_weights [PokéRogue Wiki] (2024)

Egg Weights

Weights are essentially how often a specific thing comes up in a list. If the total weight is 100, and you're looking for something with a weight of 1, there's 1 copy of that item in the list.

In order to find the % chance of getting what you want specifically, you must divide the weight of the thing you want by the total weight of that tier, and then multiply that by 100.

Example: Legendary pool has 3675 total weight, and every 8-cost legendary in there has a weight of 175.

(175/3675)*100 = 4.76% chance of finding the specific legendary you want.

Below is the total combined weight of each individual egg rarity and starter cost.

Rarity Total Weight
Common 32487
Rare 21987
Epic 14437
Legendary 3675
Manaphy 800
Cost Total Weight
1 3200
2 5325
3 23962
4 17587
5 4400
6 11987
7 2450
8 2975
9 700

Egg Weights by Rarity

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Pokémon Weight % in Pool Regional Form
Bulbasaur 100 0.31%
Charmander 100 0.31%
Squirtle 100 0.31%
Caterpie 200 0.62%
Weedle 200 0.62%
Pidgey 150 0.46%
Rattata 200 0.62%
Spearow 150 0.46%
Ekans 150 0.46%
Sandshrew 150 0.46%
Nidoran♀ 100 0.31%
Nidoran♂ 100 0.31%
Vulpix 100 0.31%
Zubat 150 0.46%
Oddish 150 0.46%
Paras 200 0.62%
Venonat 150 0.46%
Diglett 100 0.31%
Psyduck 150 0.46%
Poliwag 100 0.31%
Abra 100 0.31%
Machop 100 0.31%
Bellsprout 100 0.31%
Tentacool 100 0.31%
Geodude 100 0.31%
Ponyta 100 0.31%
Slowpoke 100 0.31%
Magnemite 100 0.31%
Seel 100 0.31%
Grimer 100 0.31%
Gastly 100 0.31%
Drowzee 100 0.31%
Krabby 150 0.46%
Voltorb 150 0.46%
Cubone 100 0.31%
Koffing 100 0.31%
Rhyhorn 100 0.31%
Tangela 100 0.31%
Goldeen 100 0.31%
Magikarp 100 0.31%
Ditto 150 0.46%
Omanyte 100 0.31%
Kabuto 100 0.31%
Chikorita 100 0.31%
Cyndaquil 100 0.31%
Totodile 100 0.31%
Sentret 200 0.62%
Hoothoot 200 0.62%
Ledyba 200 0.62%
Spinarak 200 0.62%
Chinchou 100 0.31%
Pichu 100 0.31%
Cleffa 100 0.31%
Igglybuff 100 0.31%
Togepi 100 0.31%
Natu 150 0.46%
Mareep 100 0.31%
Hoppip 200 0.62%
Aipom 100 0.31%
Sunkern 200 0.62%
Yanma 100 0.31%
Wooper 150 0.46%
Misdreavus 100 0.31%
Unown 200 0.62%
Pineco 150 0.46%
Snubbull 100 0.31%
Qwilfish 100 0.31%
Slugma 150 0.46%
Swinub 100 0.31%
Corsola 100 0.31%
Remoraid 100 0.31%
Delibird 100 0.31%
Phanpy 100 0.31%
Smeargle 100 0.31%
Smoochum 100 0.31%
Treecko 100 0.31%
Torchic 100 0.31%
Mudkip 100 0.31%
Poochyena 150 0.46%
Zigzagoon 150 0.46%
Wurmple 200 0.62%
Lotad 100 0.31%
Seedot 100 0.31%
Taillow 100 0.31%
Wingull 100 0.31%
Ralts 100 0.31%
Surskit 150 0.46%
Shroomish 100 0.31%
Whismur 100 0.31%
Makuhita 100 0.31%
Azurill 100 0.31%
Nosepass 100 0.31%
Skitty 100 0.31%
Sableye 100 0.31%
Aron 100 0.31%
Electrike 100 0.31%
Plusle 150 0.46%
Minun 150 0.46%
Volbeat 150 0.46%
Illumise 150 0.46%
Gulpin 100 0.31%
Carvanha 100 0.31%
Wailmer 100 0.31%
Numel 100 0.31%
Spoink 100 0.31%
Spinda 150 0.46%
Cacnea 100 0.31%
Swablu 100 0.31%
Barboach 100 0.31%
Corphish 100 0.31%
Baltoy 100 0.31%
Lileep 100 0.31%
Anorith 100 0.31%
Castform 150 0.46%
Shuppet 100 0.31%
Duskull 100 0.31%
Wynaut 100 0.31%
Snorunt 100 0.31%
Spheal 100 0.31%
Clamperl 100 0.31%
Luvdisc 150 0.46%
Turtwig 100 0.31%
Chimchar 100 0.31%
Piplup 100 0.31%
Starly 100 0.31%
Bidoof 150 0.46%
Kricketot 200 0.62%
Shinx 100 0.31%
Budew 100 0.31%
Cranidos 100 0.31%
Shieldon 100 0.31%
Burmy 200 0.62%
Combee 150 0.46%
Pachirisu 100 0.31%
Buizel 100 0.31%
Cherubi 100 0.31%
Shellos 100 0.31%
Drifloon 100 0.31%
Buneary 100 0.31%
Glameow 100 0.31%
Chingling 100 0.31%
Stunky 100 0.31%
Bronzor 100 0.31%
Mime Jr. 100 0.31%
Hippopotas 100 0.31%
Skorupi 100 0.31%
Croagunk 100 0.31%
Finneon 100 0.31%
Mantyke 100 0.31%
Snover 100 0.31%
Snivy 100 0.31%
Tepig 100 0.31%
Oshawott 100 0.31%
Patrat 150 0.46%
Lillipup 100 0.31%
Purrloin 100 0.31%
Pansage 100 0.31%
Pansear 100 0.31%
Panpour 100 0.31%
Munna 100 0.31%
Pidove 150 0.46%
Blitzle 100 0.31%
Roggenrola 100 0.31%
Woobat 100 0.31%
Timburr 100 0.31%
Tympole 100 0.31%
Sewaddle 100 0.31%
Venipede 100 0.31%
Cottonee 100 0.31%
Petilil 100 0.31%
Sandile 100 0.31%
Dwebble 100 0.31%
Scraggy 100 0.31%
Yamask 100 0.31%
Trubbish 100 0.31%
Zorua 100 0.31%
Minccino 100 0.31%
Gothita 100 0.31%
Solosis 100 0.31%
Ducklett 100 0.31%
Vanillite 100 0.31%
Deerling 100 0.31%
Emolga 100 0.31%
Karrablast 100 0.31%
Foongus 100 0.31%
Frillish 100 0.31%
Joltik 100 0.31%
Ferroseed 100 0.31%
Klink 100 0.31%
Tynamo 100 0.31%
Elgyem 100 0.31%
Litwick 100 0.31%
Cubchoo 100 0.31%
Shelmet 100 0.31%
Mienfoo 100 0.31%
Golett 100 0.31%
Rufflet 100 0.31%
Vullaby 100 0.31%
Chespin 100 0.31%
Fennekin 100 0.31%
Froakie 100 0.31%
Bunnelby 150 0.46%
Fletchling 100 0.31%
Scatterbug 200 0.62%
Litleo 100 0.31%
Flabébé 100 0.31%
Skiddo 100 0.31%
Pancham 100 0.31%
Espurr 100 0.31%
Spritzee 100 0.31%
Swirlix 100 0.31%
Inkay 100 0.31%
Binacle 100 0.31%
Skrelp 100 0.31%
Clauncher 100 0.31%
Helioptile 100 0.31%
Tyrunt 100 0.31%
Amaura 100 0.31%
Phantump 100 0.31%
Pumpkaboo 100 0.31%
Bergmite 100 0.31%
Rowlet 100 0.31%
Litten 100 0.31%
Popplio 100 0.31%
Pikipek 100 0.31%
Yungoos 150 0.46%
Grubbin 150 0.46%
Oricorio 100 0.31%
Cutiefly 100 0.31%
Rockruff 100 0.31%
Wishiwashi 100 0.31%
Mareanie 100 0.31%
Mudbray 100 0.31%
Dewpider 100 0.31%
Fomantis 100 0.31%
Morelull 100 0.31%
Salandit 100 0.31%
Stufful 100 0.31%
Bounsweet 100 0.31%
Wimpod 100 0.31%
Sandygast 100 0.31%
Pyukumuku 100 0.31%
Alolan Rattata 75 0.23% Alolan
Alolan Diglett 50 0.15% Alolan
Alolan Geodude 50 0.15% Alolan
Alolan Grimer 50 0.15% Alolan
Grookey 100 0.31%
Scorbunny 100 0.31%
Sobble 100 0.31%
Skwovet 150 0.46%
Blipbug 150 0.46%
Nickit 100 0.31%
Gossifleur 100 0.31%
Wooloo 100 0.31%
Chewtle 100 0.31%
Yamper 100 0.31%
Rolycoly 100 0.31%
Silicobra 100 0.31%
Cramorant 100 0.31%
Arrokuda 100 0.31%
Toxel 100 0.31%
Sizzlipede 100 0.31%
Clobbopus 100 0.31%
Sinistea 100 0.31%
Impidimp 100 0.31%
Milcery 100 0.31%
Pincurchin 100 0.31%
Snom 100 0.31%
Indeedee 100 0.31%
Morpeko 100 0.31%
Galarian Slowpoke 50 0.15% Galarian
Galarian Zigzagoon 50 0.15% Galarian
Galarian Yamask 50 0.15% Galarian
Hisuian Voltorb 13 0.04% Hisuian
Sprigatito 100 0.31%
Fuecoco 100 0.31%
Quaxly 100 0.31%
Lechonk 150 0.46%
Tarountula 200 0.62%
Nymble 100 0.31%
Pawmi 100 0.31%
Fidough 100 0.31%
Smoliv 100 0.31%
Squawkabilly 100 0.31%
Tadbulb 100 0.31%
Wattrel 100 0.31%
Maschiff 100 0.31%
Shroodle 100 0.31%
Bramblin 100 0.31%
Toedscool 100 0.31%
Capsakid 100 0.31%
Rellor 100 0.31%
Flittle 100 0.31%
Wiglett 100 0.31%
Bombirdier 100 0.31%
Paldean Wooper 50 0.15% Paldean

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Pokémon Weight % in Tier Regional Form
Meowth 175 0.80%
Mankey 175 0.80%
Growlithe 175 0.80%
Farfetch'd 175 0.80%
Doduo 175 0.80%
Shellder 175 0.80%
Onix 175 0.80%
Exeggcute 175 0.80%
Lickitung 100 0.45%
Kangaskhan 100 0.45%
Horsea 175 0.80%
Staryu 175 0.80%
Scyther 100 0.45%
Pinsir 175 0.80%
Tauros 100 0.45%
Lapras 100 0.45%
Eevee 175 0.80%
Porygon 175 0.80%
Aerodactyl 100 0.45%
Dratini 175 0.80%
Murkrow 175 0.80%
Girafarig 175 0.80%
Dunsparce 175 0.80%
Gligar 175 0.80%
Shuckle 175 0.80%
Heracross 100 0.45%
Sneasel 175 0.80%
Teddiursa 175 0.80%
Skarmory 100 0.45%
Houndour 175 0.80%
Stantler 175 0.80%
Tyrogue 175 0.80%
Elekid 175 0.80%
Magby 175 0.80%
Miltank 100 0.45%
Larvitar 175 0.80%
Slakoth 175 0.80%
Nincada 175 0.80%
Mawile 100 0.45%
Meditite 175 0.80%
Torkoal 175 0.80%
Trapinch 175 0.80%
Zangoose 100 0.45%
Seviper 175 0.80%
Lunatone 175 0.80%
Solrock 175 0.80%
Feebas 175 0.80%
Kecleon 175 0.80%
Tropius 100 0.45%
Absol 100 0.45%
Relicanth 175 0.80%
Bagon 175 0.80%
Beldum 175 0.80%
Bonsly 175 0.80%
Happiny 175 0.80%
Chatot 175 0.80%
Spiritomb 100 0.45%
Gible 175 0.80%
Munchlax 175 0.80%
Riolu 175 0.80%
Carnivine 175 0.80%
Rotom 100 0.45%
Phione 175 0.80%
Drilbur 175 0.80%
Audino 175 0.80%
Throh 100 0.45%
Sawk 100 0.45%
Basculin 175 0.80%
Darumaka 175 0.80%
Maractus 175 0.80%
Sigilyph 100 0.45%
Tirtouga 175 0.80%
Archen 175 0.80%
Alomomola 175 0.80%
Axew 175 0.80%
Cryogonal 100 0.45%
Stunfisk 175 0.80%
Druddigon 100 0.45%
Pawniard 175 0.80%
Bouffalant 100 0.45%
Heatmor 100 0.45%
Durant 100 0.45%
Deino 175 0.80%
Larvesta 175 0.80%
Furfrou 175 0.80%
Honedge 175 0.80%
Hawlucha 175 0.80%
Dedenne 175 0.80%
Carbink 175 0.80%
Goomy 175 0.80%
Klefki 175 0.80%
Noibat 175 0.80%
Eternal Floette 100 0.45%
Crabrawler 175 0.80%
Comfey 175 0.80%
Oranguru 100 0.45%
Passimian 100 0.45%
Type: Null 100 0.45%
Minior 100 0.45%
Komala 100 0.45%
Turtonator 100 0.45%
Togedemaru 175 0.80%
Mimikyu 100 0.45%
Bruxish 100 0.45%
Drampa 100 0.45%
Dhelmise 100 0.45%
Jangmo-o 175 0.80%
Alolan Sandshrew 88 0.40% Alolan
Alolan Vulpix 88 0.40% Alolan
Alolan Meowth 88 0.40% Alolan
Rookidee 175 0.80%
Applin 175 0.80%
Hatenna 175 0.80%
Falinks 175 0.80%
Stonjourner 175 0.80%
Eiscue 175 0.80%
Cufant 175 0.80%
Dracozolt 100 0.45%
Arctozolt 100 0.45%
Dracovish 100 0.45%
Arctovish 100 0.45%
Duraludon 100 0.45%
Dreepy 175 0.80%
Galarian Meowth 88 0.40% Galarian
Galarian Ponyta 88 0.40% Galarian
Galarian Farfetch'd 50 0.23% Galarian
Galarian Corsola 88 0.40% Galarian
Galarian Darumaka 88 0.40% Galarian
Galarian Stunfisk 88 0.40% Galarian
Hisuian Growlithe 22 0.10% Galarian
Hisuian Qwilfish 22 0.10% Hisuian
Hisuian Sneasel 22 0.10% Hisuian
Hisuian Zorua 22 0.10% Hisuian
Tandemaus 175 0.80%
Nacli 175 0.80%
Charcadet 175 0.80%
Klawf 175 0.80%
Tinkatink 175 0.80%
Finizen 175 0.80%
Varoom 175 0.80%
Cyclizar 100 0.45%
Orthworm 175 0.80%
Glimmet 175 0.80%
Greavard 175 0.80%
Flamigo 175 0.80%
Cetoddle 175 0.80%
Veluza 175 0.80%
Dondozo 100 0.45%
Tatsugiri 100 0.45%
Frigibax 175 0.80%
Gimmighoul 100 0.45%
Poltchageist 175 0.80%
Paldean Tauros 50 0.23% Paldean

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Pokémon Weight % in Tier Regional Form
Articuno 175 1.20%
Zapdos 175 1.20%
Moltres 175 1.20%
Mew 175 1.20%
Raikou 175 1.20%
Entei 175 1.20%
Suicune 175 1.20%
Celebi 175 1.20%
Regirock 175 1.20%
Regice 175 1.20%
Registeel 175 1.20%
Latias 100 0.69%
Latios 100 0.69%
Jirachi 100 0.69%
Deoxys 100 0.69%
Uxie 175 1.20%
Mesprit 175 1.20%
Azelf 175 1.20%
Heatran 175 1.20%
Regigigas 100 0.69%
Cresselia 175 1.20%
Manaphy 100 0.69%
Darkrai 175 1.20%
Shaymin 175 1.20%
Victini 100 0.69%
Cobalion 175 1.20%
Terrakion 175 1.20%
Virizion 175 1.20%
Tornadus 100 0.69%
Thundurus 100 0.69%
Landorus 100 0.69%
Keldeo 175 1.20%
Meloetta 175 1.20%
Genesect 175 1.20%
Diancie 100 0.69%
Hoopa 100 0.69%
Volcanion 175 1.20%
Tapu Koko 175 1.20%
Tapu Lele 175 1.20%
Tapu Bulu 175 1.20%
Tapu Fini 175 1.20%
Cosmog 175 1.20%
Nihilego 175 1.20%
Buzzwole 175 1.20%
Pheromosa 100 0.69%
Xurkitree 175 1.20%
Celesteela 175 1.20%
Kartana 100 0.69%
Guzzlord 175 1.20%
Magearna 100 0.69%
Marshadow 100 0.69%
Poipole 100 0.69%
Stakataka 175 1.20%
Blacephalon 100 0.69%
Zeraora 175 1.20%
Meltan 175 1.20%
Kubfu 175 1.20%
Zarude 175 1.20%
Regieleki 175 1.20%
Regidrago 175 1.20%
Glastrier 175 1.20%
Spectrier 100 0.69%
Enamorus 100 0.69%
Galarian Articuno 88 0.60% Galarian
Galarian Zapdos 88 0.60% Galarian
Galarian Moltres 88 0.60% Galarian
Great Tusk 175 1.20%
Scream Tail 175 1.20%
Brute Bonnet 175 1.20%
Flutter Mane 175 1.20%
Slither Wing 175 1.20%
Sandy Shocks 175 1.20%
Iron Treads 175 1.20%
Iron Bundle 175 1.20%
Iron Hands 175 1.20%
Iron Jugulis 175 1.20%
Iron Moth 175 1.20%
Iron Thorns 175 1.20%
Wo-Chien 175 1.20%
Chien-Pao 100 0.69%
Ting-Lu 175 1.20%
Chi-Yu 100 0.69%
Roaring Moon 175 1.20%
Iron Valiant 175 1.20%
Walking Wake 175 1.20%
Iron Leaves 175 1.20%
Okidogi 175 1.20%
Munkidori 175 1.20%
Fezandipiti 175 1.20%
Ogerpon 100 0.69%
Gouging Fire 100 0.69%
Raging Bolt 175 1.20%
Iron Boulder 100 0.69%
Iron Crown 175 1.20%
Pecharunt 175 1.20%
Bloodmoon Ursaluna 50 0.34% Paldean

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Pokémon Weight % in Tier
Mewtwo 175 5.00%
Lugia 175 5.00%
Ho-Oh 175 5.00%
Kyogre 100 2.86%
Groudon 100 2.86%
Rayquaza 100 2.86%
Dialga 175 5.00%
Palkia 175 5.00%
Giratina 175 5.00%
Arceus 100 2.86%
Reshiram 175 5.00%
Zekrom 175 5.00%
Kyurem 175 5.00%
Xerneas 175 5.00%
Yveltal 175 5.00%
Zygarde 175 5.00%
Necrozma 175 5.00%
Zacian 100 2.86%
Zamazenta 175 5.00%
Calyrex 175 5.00%
Koraidon 100 2.86%
Miraidon 100 2.86%
Terapagos 175 5.00%

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Pokémon Chance
Manaphy 1/8
Phione 7/8

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gameplay:egg_weights [PokéRogue Wiki] (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.