Deimos Fishing – How to Earn Daughter Tokens – MarvWeb (2024)

Deimos fishing is the primary way to earn Daughter Tokens for the Entrati Syndicate. Fish you have caught can by cut by talking with Daughter, giving you the base materials from them. These materials are traded for Daughter Tokens and used in several blueprints.

Check out this Excel file for the full list of data on Deimos fishing.

Download Deimos Fishing [Excel] (Updated 2020-09-14)

Deimos fishing required items

At a minimum, you will need some type of fishing spear to catch fish. These are purchased in Cetus, Fortuna, or the Nekralisk for standing from those respective syndicates. The ones you will want for fishing on Deimos are the Spari or Ebisu Spears sold by Daughter. The Ebisu does more “damage” to the fish, guaranteeing a single hit gets you the fish, but the cheaper Spari spear one-shots most Deimos fish too.

The reason you want one of these spears is that they pierce through the exocrine (Deimos’s version of water) and hits the fish inside it. Other spears will not be able to hit the fish swimming in the exocrine.

You will also want plenty of Luminous Dye. Luminous dye highlights the fish, making the fish much easier to see and easier to catch.

Luminous dye can be replaced by the Oxylus once you earn Max Rank with Solaris United in Fortuna. The Oxylus has a precept called Scan Aquatic Lifeforms that simulates the effects of Luminous Dye for free.

However, this free version is not necessarily better than normal Luminous Dye. As a sentinel, it acts in order of its precepts. Therefore, if it has something else to do, it won’t necessarily mark the fish as quickly as a normal dye would. It also takes the spot of your companion, which you may want to be a Smeeta Kavat for the rare chance at double fish and Conservation tags from Charm.

If you are after specific fish, you will want Foss and Vome residues. These items increase the uncommon fish spawn rate. These basic residues are picked up by breaking the Fass and Vome items that appear in the worm influence zones around the Cambion Drift. A great way to farm these along with other materials is to run Isolation Vaults.

Processed Fass and Vome Residue can be purchased from Daughter with standing. This bait will spawn the two rarest fish. Since rarer fish give rarer cut materials, you will earn more daughter tokens by catching rare fish.

Deimos fishing hotspots

Rare fish are found more often in hotspots. Hotspots on Deimos can be identified by an aurora type effect over the exocrine. These hotspots can be found above ground and in caves. Hotspots eventually change, so make sure you are always fishing in a current hotspot.

Only some of the caves can contain cave hotspots. I find that the large cave slightly NW of the center ususally has at least one hot spot in its three close potential spawn points. If there are none there, there should be at least one in the Southern cave. Other caves contain hotspots as well, but these are the ones I use.

The Oxylus Precept Scan Aquatic Lifeforms also shows hotspots on the map, but you need to be close to them already. It also doesn’t work while in your Archwing since your companion is not active.

Fass and Vome cycle

Different fish spawn during the different cycles. You can tell what the current cycle is by looking at which worm is up, which residue is scattered across the Cambion Drift, or by looking at the map. For instance: when the cycle is currently “Vome,” the blue worm Vome will be glowing the in distance, orange Fass residue will be all over the ground, and the map will say “Fass in …” in the bottom right.

Where to catch each fish

The following table shows which fish spawn during which cycle, which bait to use, and where to find them. This data and more can be found in this Excel file.

Materials from cutting fish

Daughter does not trade Daughter Tokens for the fish themselves, but rather their parts. These parts can be obtained by breaking down fish using the “Cut Fish” interaction with Daughter. The Excel file shows what each fish turns into when cut.

Deimos Fishing – How to Earn Daughter Tokens – MarvWeb (2024)


Where do you find Duroid in Warframe? ›

A living fossil hearkening back to the Orokin era, this elusive fish hides below the surface of Exocrine pools in the deepest caverns it can find. Duroid is an uncorrupted Orokin fish in the Cambion Drift. Vome Residue recommended.

Where is the best fish spot in Deimos? ›

For Deimos cave fishing, the tiny cave lake with is my go to, spawns work pretty consistently there. Cave lake with the waterfall entrance is best IMO. Back when I farmed it, fish would rarely spawn after you first enter the area.

How to fish in Warframe on Deimos? ›

Fish in Deimos' Cambion Drift can be caught with spears from both Fortuna and Cetus. However, these spears cannot pass through the 'exocrine' through which the infested fish can swim freely; for optimal fishing on Deimos, there are two new spears that can pass through the exocrine and thus catch fish more easily.

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Click on “Gear”. You'll be met with your Gear Wheel, where you can click on any slot and equip your Gear anywhere you like on it. Fair warning, if you have multiple fishing spears, you'll need to add each of them.

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Acquisition. Benign Infested Tumors can be acquired by taking Deimos fish to Daughter to have them filleted. The number of tumors increases with the size of the fish captured.

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Biotic Filters can be obtained by filleting Duroid and Aquapulmo (both from the Cambion Drift) at Daughter in the Necralisk. Biotic Filters can also be bought from Daughter from the "Daily Special" in exchange for Platinum. Note that the "Daily Special" wares are rotating, and Biotic Filters may not be available.

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Mother Tokens are earned from completing Bounties from Mother. Father Tokens are earned from trading in Cambion Drift resources to Father. Daughter Tokens are earned from trading in Fish parts to Daughter. Son Tokens are earned from trading in Conservation tags to Son.

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Requiem Obelisks are a fantastic source of rare Deimos materials, including mining and fishing resources.

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In general, you'll need to work your way through each spear and bait to catch every fish on the Plains of Eidolon. To get started, head to Fisher Hai-Luk and get yourself the three spears on offer: Lanzo, Tulok, and Peram. Each spear is best-suited to catch a certain type of fish by essentially dealing more damage.

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After the Heart begins to fail, the Entrati have no choice but to re-phase Deimos back into reality. Eventually, Deimos would reappear, but now as a large, Infested mass.

How do you use lures in Deimos? ›

Same way as for the other two open worlds. you equip the echo lure, you make any sound by holding the left mouse button. Then when the animal responds, do the same but keep the blue dot on the meter as close to the white bracket as possible.

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The best strategy to farm Rare Servofish on Orb Vallis is to use Charamote Bait and Luminous Dye as tools to attract and reveal the mechanical creatures respectfully. The Bait is a special lure that increases the chance and rate at which Charamote Servofish are lured into an area.

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She also accepts donations of fish found in the plains in exchange for an amount of Ostron Standing depending on their rarity, which she says will be used to feed other starving Ostrons.

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Just select the leader you want and drag and drop it on to the circle looking image on the rod and reel setup in inventory. My rule of thumb is if using braid line throw a fluoro leader on unless feeder/bottom rods then use mono leader. If fishing for fish with teeth use a titanium leader.

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Cephalon Simaris (or referred to as Irmis by Cephalon Suda) is a Cephalon construct that resides within the Sanctuary Enclave, a room found in all Tenno Relays, which is accessible by visiting any Relay and then using Fast Travel from the Main Menu: default Esc → FAST TRAVEL → CEPHALON SIMARIS.

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In the lower compartment of the Orbiter, across from the MOD station you will find the Foundry Segment where you can access the Foundry. Within the Foundry you will find all the Blueprints that you have acquired from different places such as the market, missions, etc.

Where to fish Aquapulmo Warframe? ›

Aquapulmo: Can Be rarely found in cave hotspots and above ground near the infested seraglio. resource: Benign Infested Tumor, Biotic Filter, Pustulent Cognitive Nodule, Tubercular Gill System, Ferment Bladder.


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